Маркировка продукции в экстремальных условиях: чернила и кодировщики для суровых условий

Во многих промышленных отраслях маркировка продукции должна быть не только четкой и точной, н

История штрих-кода

Штрихкоды являются частью нашей корпоративной идентичности, ключевым элементом идентифик

Learn about the benefits of UBS LabMan labeling management software

Management software that can be integrated into any production line. Real-time data management. At UBS we developed our own labeling management so

UBS has been awarded with the CIEGE Seal of Excellent on business management

UBS, specialist in labeling, coding and marking, is one of the 47 companies that have obtained the prized accreditation this year.

Printing solution for products that undergo sterilization processes

UVLED technology is the most suitable for marking products that must undergo sterilization processes, as it provides instant fixation of low migra

The best product coding proposals for the industrial sector

In previous articles we have reviewed the UBS coding, marking and labeling solutions for of agri-food and pharmaceutical products. 

The Advantages of UVLED Curing System

The use of the UVLED curing system has been a great improvement in inkjet printing systems. The advant

UBS proposals for coding pharmaceuticals

The marking, coding and labeling of pharmaceutical products has become a critical activity. The sector is one of the few that has increa

The importance of pallet coding for the logistics sector

UBS, specialist in labeling, coding and marking, proposes customized and quality labeling to ensure that the product reaches its destination.

What information can a label contain and what is it for?

The label is the identity card of each product on its journey through the supply chain. It is essential to ensure that it contains all the necessa

Consolidating the Intelligent Supply Chain

The intelligent supply chain is the result of the incorporation of continuously evolving technologies to optimize and automate processes and achie

The most suitable printing methods for each material

The choice of packaging and the marking solution for its correct identification are fundamental decisions, since there is a mor

UBS marking solutions for the agri-food industry

All products in the supply chain require coding. UBS studies each case and proposes the most efficient solution for packaging in the agri-food ind

Производство в условиях кризиса

Решение UBS для снижения расходовю

UBS Solutions for primary product marking and coding

Thermal Inkjet printers and water, solvent or UVLED based UBS inks are the best solution for coding and marking primary packaging.

Successful Supply Chain

Success stories and factors that affect the Intelligent Supply Chain. This is the process that the product follows from its “birth” to its delivery to the

Say Goodbye to fire Marking, Hello HR inkjet!

Code your pallets with our High Resolution Inkjet Direct Printing technology.

The future is written on the cardboard

Bioindustry is leading the transition process heading us to circular economy by transforming carton for packaging manufactu

Types of barcodes: The most commonly used

Barcode symbology is a kind of “universal language” for information representation, just like an alphabet.

Типология чернил для прямой печати

В лаборатории United Barcode Systems мы прилагаем все усилия для совершентсвования теол


Логистическая этикетка – это стандартизированная норма для структурирова

Регламент REACH-CLP

Регламент REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals — регистрация, оценк


Штрихкод  - это элемент универсального стандарта GS1 для идентификации продукта и логистиче

GS1 International Barcode Symbologies

A GTIN may be encoded in EAN/U.P.C., ITF-14, GS1-128, GS1 DataBar, and Data Matrix symbols as well as EPCs. The appropriate GTIN and barcode or EPC combination is determine


В настоящее время более 80% продуктов упаковываются в картонные короба различных видов. Начина

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